Thesis and Honors Program

Honors Research and Thesis Writing

Black Studies Thesis Application Form

The Thesis Research and Writing option is reserved for outstanding students majoring in Black Studies.

These students should submit the Black Studies Thesis Application Form to the department no later than March 15th of the junior year. To be eligible for doing honors research and writing, as well as qualifying for the honors designation, a student must first complete at least 15 credits of Black Studies courses with a minimum GPA of 3.67 and must also have a 3.40 GPA overall.

Thesis Requirements

Starting at least two semesters prior to graduation, and after completing the requirements listed for eligibility, students must successfully complete a course of research reading (BLST 4580) and **a senior honors thesis writing (BLST 4600) with a grade of A- or higher in each course. ***Students must also formally ask a faculty sponsor to serve as a sponsor and mentor (and with permission of the director of undergraduate studies or chairperson).

Students must fill out the department application form and obtain the faculty mentor’s signature as well as the approval of the chair/director of undergraduate studies before registering for BLST 4580 and BLST 4600.

In summary, students must:

**Because Black Studies is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field, the thesis can use mixed methods and be critical or creative (written, performative, visual, digital, etc.).

*** Students should understand that faculty are not required to serve as sponsor/mentors, and so serving as a sponsor/mentor is left to the discretion of individual faculty.